Aviva Inspires Tango Tan™ Bronzer Solution is designed specifically for dancers, performers and pageant contestants. Tango Tan replicates the natural-looking tan. Give your clients an instant, gorgeous tan in just seconds.
Formulated for a more beautiful you. Tango Tan accentuates and complements your features by helping you look younger, thinner, and healthier. You will notice the difference the moment you try it out, and you’ll love how it makes you look. Whether you are going up on stage for a beauty, bikini pageant or want a confidence booster for your night out. With Tango Tan by your side, you will steal the show and be the life of the party.
Colour: Mocha brown
Oil-free (No sticky or tacky spray tan feeling
Alcohol-free (Won’t dry out your skin
Fragrance-Free (No stinky “cover up” smell
Dries in seconds.
Set Time: No set time, does not contain DHA
Shelf Life: 6-Month Guarantee, can last up to one year based on proper storage.
Who it’s for: Tango Tan is formulated with everyone in mind. With multiple applications it looks similar to the way that those with olive skin-tones first tan. When put on lighter it mirrors the look that fairer skin-tones develop on top of their reddish base tan.
Tips from the Team: Tango Tan works great as a training solution too. If you have a new employee and you need them trained, have them practice with our online training and a litre of Tango Tan: if the bronzer solution looks good, then a spray tan solution would have looked good too!